BeOnePage separator bug
There is a known bug with the current version of BeOnePage and the latest version of the Elementor plugin (3.10.1 at the time of writing). This bug affects the colour of the separator lines (see screenshot below).
The cause of the this bug is editing the page using Elementor (you don’t even need to make any changes), which adds an extra CSS class that overrides the correct colour. We are still working to identify the exact trigger in Elementor that causes this so we can hopefully prevent it.
Editing a page with Elementor causes the creation of a global.css file in wp-content/uploads/elementor/css/global.css. This overrides the separator colour with the global primary colour from Elementor (in this case #6EC1E4).
One workaround for this bug is to delete the file at wp-content/uploads/elementor/css/global.css.
Another workaround is to use CSS targeting the separators to override the color being set by Elementor (see below).
.separator span:after, .separator span:before { color: #<your hex color> !important; }